Sparkos Labs SS3602 Dual Discrete OP Amp

Smallest discrete Op Amp


100% Class A Bias Voltage

Bipolar Compensation

NPO Capacitors

1% metal Film Resistors

Item number 120101

EUR 89.90 *
Content 1 piece
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
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Sparkos Labs SS3602 Dual

Discrete Operational Amplifier

Built in the USA, the SS3602 discrete stereo op amp from Sparkos Labs is the ideal upgrade for the amplifier stages of a wide range of audio equipment. Unlike the IC amplification chips often used, the Sparkos SS3602 delivers a much more realistic and detailed sound. The discrete OP amp in dual design offers much more power and a much more accurate musical image than would ever be possible with an IC processor. The Class A bias voltage and high output current capacitance, combined with a proprietary compensation system that requires multiple NPO dielectric capacitors, make it impossible to produce these discrete amplifiers as monolithic integrated circuits.

Sparkos OP amps are used by renowned high-end audio manufacturers, in the audio DIY community or for upgrades of existing audio components. Especially the small design with excellent audio characteristics of the Sparkos SS3602 allow impressive results in many different audio applications.

For example, the Sparkos Labs SS3602 Dual Op Amp is often used as an upgrade in the Aune X8 XVIII Magical DAC.

Aune X8 XVIII DAC & Sparkos SS3602 Op Amp

Be careful when installing the Sparkos SS3602 Dual in the Aune X8: Due to the height of the Sparko, the bottom cover cannot be closed anymore and the X8 has to be "raised" as the ground clearance is not sufficient with the original feet.


Sparkos designs its op amps to be as sonically transparent as possible. This means that the opamp amplifies the input signal and produces an exact, larger copy at the output without colouring the sound or creating distortion products (THD).

Only amplify - nothing else!


  • Available as single or dual
  • DIP8 compatible housing
  • Circularly machined, gold-plated pins
  • Smallest discrete operational amplifier on the market
  • 100% class A bias voltage
  • Dual pole compensation
  • NPO capacitors
  • 1% metal film resistors


  • 140 dB open loop gain
  • 415nV RMS (2.9nV√HZ) Noise to 20KHZ
  • +/- 18 Vcc Max
  • 15mA Class A Output current
  • 65mA Max. Output current
  • 14mA Supply current
  • < 300µV typical offset

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